Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Walking on sunshine, whoooaaaa

I feel as though I've been on vacation for the past three days, even though I never left the city. I was lucky enough to be able to spend my weekend outdoors, with some of my favorite people. The entire time I was living it, I couldn't believe it. 85 degree weather in April, going on its fourth day in a row now, and me without work or any obligations besides hanging out. Life ain't too bad. I even managed not to get sun burned! I hung out mainly at Central Park and one day in Tribeca, two areas I rarely visit. Last night when I finally made it back to the Union Square area reality hit. Famililar places! Familiar streets! I guess the whole weekend seemed odd to me because while it was insanely great to relax, and I kept saying I needed a break from the city, I didn't need to go anywhere to do that. After I'm done typing this up I'm heading to Mccarren Park with my roommate. This is why it's so difficult to leave the shit show that is my three night a week job. Four day weekends? Come on. On Friday I had began writing up an entry about how I needed a change in my life but I wasn't sure what that change was. I guess I needed a day in the park (or three). By tomorrow afternoon I'm sure I'll be back to my grumpy self, as I walk through those white curtains into work. At least I have 24 hours of my psuedo-vacation left.

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